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We Offer Compassionate Nursing for Elderly Patients


Nurse Anytime is proud to provide in-home nursing care for elderly patients in Edmonton, AB. We realize many seniors need geriatric care but lack the means to visit a medical clinic or hospital, so we are happy to come to them. In-home care enables our patients to get the treatment and services they need without ever leaving the house. As you or your loved one transition into new opportunities during the golden years, we will help ensure comfort and high quality of life. Your home is your haven, and we are proud to bring the gold standard of nurse-managed care to you. Call us today to learn more about our geriatric care services.

Care Services by Nurse Anytime in Edmonton, AB

What Is Geriatric Nursing Care?

Geriatric nursing is a specialized discipline that focuses on the care and comfort of elderly adults. Nurse Anytime provides in-home geriatric care that addresses our patients’ physiological, psychological, and spiritual needs. Aging is a natural part of life, but older individuals are more sensitive to changing behavioral patterns. Our team of professionals wants you and your loved one to be comfortable leading an independent and healthy lifestyle. We have spent years in the field, so we can help you understand what to expect and ways to enhance health, safety, and autonomy late in life. Our team will also communicate with family and community members to promote a collaborative style of care for our patients.


Importance of Geriatric Care Services

Health needs change and evolve as we age. Illnesses and injuries affect individuals in their 70s and 80s differently than they would in their younger years. That is why it is critical to have a geriatric specialist provide care for your elderly loved ones. We devise unique plans to address various situations while helping our patients maintain their independence and living standards. Reach out to our team to learn about our experience and expertise in treating patients under similar circumstances as your family member.

Benefits of Working with a Geriatric Nurse

Our geriatric nurses are committed to providing compassionate care for elderly patients. We understand the challenges individuals face as they age, and we are happy to provide in-home care that mitigates these concerns. Specialized nursing is essential for patients who are facing new obstacles as they age. Among the benefits of working with a geriatric nurse from Nurse Anytime is our preparedness for situations that include:

* Risk of falls
* Breathing problems
* Disturbed sleep patterns
* Risk of deficient fluid volume
* Risk of injury
* Risk of infection
* Adult failure to thrive

Our Comprehensive Geriatric Nursing Services

We recognize how vital high-quality home care is to elderly patients. Our team encourages you to take advantage of geriatric care services to improve your standard of living. We will develop relationships with you and your family so that we can tailor care plans to your needs. If you are comfortable with some tasks, we want you to perform them independently. But we will be there to help with the rest. Our geriatric care services encompass:

* Hygiene assistance
* Meal preparation and diet monitoring
* Light housekeeping
* Help with errands and shopping
* Invaluable one-on-one companionship
* Overnight services
* Short- and long-term services
* Weekends and holidays
* Respite for family caregivers

Why You Should Choose Nurse Anytime

Nurse Anytime is a family-owned organization that is committed to improving the lives of our patients throughout Edmonton, AB. Our team has completed extensive education and training courses, so you can rest assured and we will provide the best care possible for your loved ones. We do not have a blanket approach to nursing for elderly patients. Our personalized geriatric care services focus on the needs of each individual. Let us develop a plan for your loved one.

Contact Nurse Anytime for Geriatric Care Today

Your golden years should be enjoyable, easy living. Nurse Anytime designed our geriatric care services in Edmonton, AB to work around your family’s schedule, needs, and abilities. We will help your aging loved one maintain his or her independence while still offering assistance when the situation demands it. Fostering an empowering home environment is essential to our mission. Contact us today to discuss geriatric care services for your elderly loved ones.

Contact Us for a Free Home Care Assessment