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We’re There When the Unexpected Occurs

Unfortunately, a variety of ailments can interrupt your life. But they don’t have to decrease your quality of life! At Nurse Anytime, we believe in creating healthy and encouraging environments in your home while simultaneously enriching every aspect of you or your family member’s life. Our specialized health care benefits Edmonton, Sherwood Park and St. Albert patients, no matter the circumstance. When struck by a severe illness, securing quality healthcare for your loved one should be your priority. But whether due to Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, ALS, or a heart attack, life-changing health events shouldn’t destroy your golden years. Our customizable programs result in a rewarding day-to-day life and gradual improvements in the health of your parent or family member.

Comprehensive Nursing Services by Nurse Anytime in Edmonton, AB

We Provide At-Home Care for a Variety of Illnesses

Every senior’s risk factors for various illnesses increase with every year. Understanding the potential risks is the first step toward ensuring you’re as healthy as you can be, even in the aftermath of a setback. Our personalized nurse-managed services hone in on what works for you or your family caregivers and focus on improving patient lives through that framework. We want to discover the best way to take care of you, and that begins with a comprehensive free consultation and assessment. We’ll discuss your needs, wishes, and circumstances, as well as perform a detailed medical examination. From there, our case managers devise a plan and assign a registered nurse who will be a good fit for you. We can provide highly-effective palliative and respite care for numerous illnesses and disorders, including:

Contact Nurse Anytime to Learn More About Our Services

Our registered nurses come highly-recommended from previous employers and are armed with extensive knowledge and expertise. More importantly, they possess boundless compassion and enthusiasm. Each is more than capable of responsibly caring for your loved one and providing them with invaluable companionship in the process. We feel passionate about nurse-managed care and forming bonds with our seniors is a large part of what we do. To learn more about how we can help you, your parent, or your loved one, contact us today.

Contact Us for a Free Home Care Assessment